These are some articles about language in general and the Russian language I've written
over the years. They aren't exactly pinnacles of linguistic insight —some of them are downright
silly— but they can be useful nonetheless.
Similarities between Russian and Spanish:
a pretty popular article about the similarities between these two languages. It features a list of
similar words which has been shamelessly copied in other websites. (September 2006).
Learn to type on a Russian keyboard - for masochists:
an article that was written jokingly, as I think the title clearly suggests (and it isn't even that good a joke), for which I have nevertheless received 2 or 3 letters of appreciation. The article is factually correct and the sample words can be really useful if you are learning to type, though some of the mnemonics really make me cringe. (September 2006).
How long does it take to learn vocabulary?:
I have amassed enough experience learning languages to know that things aren't always amenable to a neat mathematical description. But I'm still impressed that I could actually write this. (September 2006).