See also the one-page version.
Word | Schema | Definition | Ranking | Gender | Number | Notes |
нога' | f' | foot, leg | 124 | - | any | (Npl но'ги)(Asg но'гу) |
сле'д | c | footprint | 598 | - | any | (Npl следы') |
ко'рм | c | forage, feed, provender; fodder | 5737 | - | any | (Npl корма')(Gsg2 ко'рму) |
фураж' | b | forage, fodder | -1 | - | any | More info: no plural or (Npl фуражи'). |
лоб' | b | forehead; brow | 800 | - | any | (Npl лбы')(Psg2 лбу') |
ле'с | c | forest | 277 | - | any | (Npl леса')(Psg2 лесу') More info: See ле'с (type a)(no-plural)(Gsg2 ле'су) wood. See леса' (type d)(Npl ле'сы o лёсы) fishing-line. See леса' (type b)(plural-only) scaffolding. |
лесник' | b | forest-guard, forester | 12767 | - | any | (Npl лесники') |
лиса' | d | fox | 11699 | - | any | (Npl ли'сы) |
дру'г | c | friend | 99 | - | any | (Gpl друзе'й)(Npl друзья') |
фро'нт | c | front | 968 | - | any | (Npl фронты') More info: According to Словарь трудностей, фро'нты is obsolete |
плод' | b | fruit | 2589 | - | any | (Npl плоды') |
сковорода' | f | frying-pan | -1 | - | any | (Npl ско'вороды)(Asg ско'вороду) More info: There is a f' type variant (Asg ско'вороду). According to Словарь трудностей, сковороду' is obsolete. According to Starostin ско'вороду is obsolete. |
беглец' | b | fugitive | 6991 | - | any | (Npl беглецы') |
борозда' | f' | furrow, fissure | 11626 | - | any | (Npl бо'розды)(Asg бо'розду) More info: According to Словарь трудностей, борозду' is only \"aceptable\" (допустимо). |
гараж' | b | garage | 3405 | - | any | (Npl гаражи') |
са'д | c | garden | 888 | - | any | (Npl сады')(Psg2 саду') |
чеснок' | b | garlic | 10268 | - | any | (Gsg2 чесноку') More info: no plural or (Npl чесноки'). Paperno y Leed: The singular forms of this word are used as a collective noun to refer to garlic as a crop, a food, or a number of individual bulbs. The phrase голо'вка чеснока' is used to refer to one bulb of garlic. The phrase до'лька чеснока' is used to refer to one clove. Plural forms are not used. |
чердак' | b | garret | 5938 | - | any | (Npl чердаки') |
да'р | c | gift | 2365 | - | any | (Npl дары') |
ледник' | b | glacier | 12761 | - | any | (Npl ледники') More info: See ле'дник (type a) ice-house, ice-box. |
железа' | f | gland | 7158 | - | any | (Gpl желёз)(Npl же'лезы) More info: See желе'зо (type a) iron. |
очки' | b | glasses | -1 | - | only-plural | |
комар' | b | gnat, mosquito | 4260 | - | any | (Npl комары') |
го'л | c | goal | 11324 | - | any | (Npl голы') More info: There is a type b variant. Sometimes (Gsg гола') after numbers 2, 3, 4. |
вратарь' | b | goalkeeper | 18614 | m | any | (Npl вратари') |
коза' | d | goat | 4301 | - | any | (Npl ко'зы) |
бо'г | e | God | 244 | - | any | (Npl бо'ги) |
ку'м | c | Godfather of one's child; father of one's Godchild | 20124 | - | any | (Gpl кумовьёв)(Npl кумовья') |
голубец' | b | goloubets (stuffed cabbage-roll) | 17320 | - | any | (Npl голубцы') |
добро' | b | good (noun) | 1535 | - | no-plural | |
гу'сь | e | goose | 3864 | m | any | (Npl гу'си) |
зерно' | d | grain, seed | 3565 | - | any | (Gpl зёрен)(Npl зёрна) |
падеж' | b | grammatical (case) | -1 | - | any | (Npl падежи') |
ро'д | e | (grammatical) gender | 724 | - | any | (Npl ро'ды) More info: See ро'д (tipo c) 1. (Npl роды')(Psg2 роду') family, race, generation; 2. (Npl рода') type, sort, variety |
ла'герь | a | group, группировка; current, tendency | 926 | - | any | (Npl ла'гери) More info: See ла'герь (type c)(Npl лагеря') (concentration, summer, boy-scouts) camp |
го'сть | e | guest | 476 | m | any | (Npl го'сти) |
вина' | d | guilt, fault | 3204 | - | any | (Npl ви'ны) |
десна' | d | gum (in mouth) | 12582 | - | any | (Gpl дёсен)(Npl дёсны) |
ружьё' | d | gun, hand-gun, rifle | 2196 | - | any | (Gpl ру'жей)(Npl ру'жья) |
по'рох | c | gunpowder | 8387 | - | any | (Npl порохи') |
кишка' | b | gut, intestine | 3563 | - | any | (Gpl кишо'к)(Npl кишки') |
во'лос | e | hair | 526 | - | any | (Gpl воло'с)(Npl во'лосы) |
халва' | b | halva (paste of nuts, sugar and oil) | 28817 | - | no-plural | |
ветчина' | d | ham | 11560 | - | any | (Npl ветчи'ны) |
о'корок | c | ham | 24829 | - | any | (Npl окорока')(Gsg2 о'короку) |
молоток' | b | hammer | 5743 | - | any | (Npl молотки') |
гамак' | b | hammock | 20482 | - | any | (Npl гамаки') |
рука' | f' | hand | 57 | - | any | (Npl ру'ки)(Asg ру'ку) |
платок' | b | handkerchief | 1728 | - | any | (Npl платки') |
вред' | b | harm, hurt, injury, damage | 5681 | - | any | More info: no-plural or Npl вреды' |