Word Stress in Russian!

Information about word stress in Russian at russianstress.info

List of irregularly stressed Russian nouns

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Word Schema Definition Ranking Gender Number Notes
глава' d 1. (animated) head, chief; 2. chapter 534 - any (Npl гла'вы)
монтаж' b 1. assembling, mounting; 2. montage 17961 - any (Npl монтажи')
хребет' b 1. backbone; 2. summit; 3. mountain range 4539 - any (Npl хребты')
ты'л c 1. back, rear; 2. rearguard 3040 - any (Npl тылы')(Psg2 тылу')
мешок' b 1. bag, sack; 2. clumsy fellow 976 - any (Npl мешки')
та'з c 1. basin; 2. pelvis 6208 - any (Npl тазы')(Psg2 тазу')
ку'зов c 1. basket; 2. body 4129 - any (Npl кузова')
по'яс c 1. belt; 2. waist; 3. zone; часовой пояс, time zone 1792 - any (Npl пояса')
ва'л c 1. billow, roller; 2. bank; 3. shaft; 4. gross output 4398 - any (Npl валы')(Psg2 валу')
кра'й c 1. border, edge; 2. land; country 498 - any (Gpl краёв)(Npl края')(Psg2 краю')
сук' d 1. bough; 2. knot 3932 - any (Gpl су'чьев)(Npl су'чья)(Psg2 суку')
More info: There is a variant with regular plural forms, thus of type b (Npl суки'), with no apparent change of meaning.
бык' b 1. bull; 2. pier (of a bridge) 1398 - any (Npl быки')
скот' b 1. cattle; 2. beast 5610 - any More info: no plural or (Npl скоты').
потолок' b 1. ceiling, roof; 2. limit, absolute limit 1363 - any (Npl потолки')
о'круг c 1. circuit; 2. district 4387 - any (Npl округа')
го'рсть e 1. cupped hand; 2. handful 6844 f any (Npl го'рсти)(Psg2 горсти')
тираж' b 1. drawing; 2. circulation, edition 7636 - any (Npl тиражи')
ярлык' b 1. edict; 2. label, tag 16687 - any (Npl ярлыки')
слон' b 1. elephant; 2. (chess) bishop 1907 - any (Npl слоны')
ве'чер c 1. evening; 2. party 236 - any (Npl вечера')
лицо' d 1. face; 2. personality; 3. person 110 - any (Npl ли'ца)
торжество' b 1. festival; 2. solemnity; 3. triumph 4612 - any (Gpl торже'ств)(Npl торжества')
по'ле c 1. field, ground; 2. field, domain; 3. margin (of a book); 4. wing (of a hat) 846 - any (Gpl поле'й)(Npl поля')
суета' b 1. fuss, bustle; 2. vanity 3859 - any (Npl суеты')
игра' d 1. game; 2. interpretation, execution 644 - any (Gpl и'гр)(Npl и'гры)
проводник' b 1. guide; conductor; 2. guard 2872 - any (Npl проводники')
ки'сть e 1. hand; 2. bunch; 3. tassel; 4. brush 3336 f any (Npl ки'сти)
кулак' b 1. handful; 2. kulak, rich farmer 994 - any (Npl кулаки')
зло' b 1. harm; 2. maliciously 1508 - any (Gpl зо'л)(Npl зла')
дыра' d 1. hole; 2. god-forsaken hole 3388 - any (Npl ды'ры)
ду'б c 1. (inanimated)(Psg2 дубу') oak; 2. (animado) blockhead, numskull 3802 - any (Npl дубы')
у'зел b 1. knot; 2. package 2775 - any (Npl узлы')
More info: Despite the nominative singular declension, this word can be considered of type b.
труд' b 1. labour, work; 2. trouble, difficulty 416 - any (Npl труды')
суд' b 1. law-court, court; 2. justice; 3. judgment, opinion; 4. trial 853 - any (Npl суды')
долгота' d 1. length; 2. (geography) longitude -1 - any (Npl долго'ты)
полотно' d 1. linen; 2. painting; 3. band; 4. road 4930 - any (Gpl поло'тен)(Npl поло'тна)
черта' b 1. line, stroke; 2. limit, frontier; 3. trait 523 - any (Gpl че'рт)(Npl черты')
звено' d 1. link; 2. team, group 6143 - any (Gpl зве'ньев)(Npl зве'нья)
чу'до c 1. miracle; 2. monster 1020 - any (Gpl чуде'с)(Npl чудеса')
More info: Has type a variant (Npl чу'да) used in poetry.
ход' special 1. motion, run; 2. course; 3. move, turn; 4. entrance, passage 517 - any
чепуха' b 1. nonsense; 2. trifle 4154 - no-plural
существо' b 1. (no plural)(inanimated) essence 2. (Npl существа')(Gpl суще'ств)(animated) being, creature BUT according to Starostin (Asg существо)??? 1200 - any
ве'рх c 1. (Npl верхи') top, head; top of the mountain; 2. (Npl верха') лицевая сторона одежды; верхняя часть обуви 2449 - any (Psg2 верху')
ме'х c 1. (Npl меха')(Gsg2 ме'ху)(Psg2 меху') skin; 2. (Npl мехи') bellows; 3. (Npl мехи') wineskin 5708 - any
му'ж c 1. (Npl мужья') husband. 2. (Npl мужи') man 423 - any (Gpl муже'й)
ро'д c 1. (Npl роды')(Psg2 роду') family, race, generation; 2. (Npl рода') type, sort, variety 724 - any More info: See ро'д (tipo e)(Npl ро'ды) (grammatical) gender.
число' d 1. number; 2. date 619 - any (Gpl чи'сел)(Npl чи'сла)
ма'сло c 1. oil; 2. butter 1416 - any (Gpl ма'сел)(Npl масла')
стра'сть e 1. passion, desire; 2. horror 1784 f any (Npl стра'сти)
очко' b 1. pip; 2. point (in a game); 3. hole 1063 - any (Npl очки')