See also the one-page version.
Word | Schema | Definition | Ranking | Gender | Number | Notes |
бега' | b | races (of harnessed horses) | 24859 | - | only-plural | (Gpl бего'в) More info: See бе'г (type a)(no plural)(Psg2 бегу') race. |
щипцы' | b | pincers | -1 | - | only-plural | (Gpl щипцо'в) |
леса' | b | scaffolding | -1 | - | only-plural | (Gpl лесо'в) More info: See леса' (type d)(with singular) fishing-line. See ле'с (type c)(Npl леса') forest. See ле'с (type a)(sin plural) wood. |
трусы' | b | shorts, pants | -1 | - | only-plural | (Gpl трусо'в) More info: See тру'с (type a)(Npl тру'сы) coward. |
очки' | b | glasses | -1 | - | only-plural | |
леса' | d | fishing-line | -1 | - | only-plural | (Npl ле'сы//лёсы) More info: See леса' (type b)(plural-only) scaffolding. See лес' (type c)(Npl леса') forest. See лес' (type a)(no-plural) wood. |
бе'г | a | race | 2253 | - | only-plural | (Psg2 бегу') More info: See бега' (type b)(plural-only) horse races. |
лета' | b | age, years | -1 | - | only-plural | (Gpl ле'т) |
щи' | b | shchi (cabbage soup) | 7414 | - | only-plural | (Gpl ще'й) |
духи' | b | perfume, scent | -1 | - | only-plural | (Gpl духо'в) |
весы' | b | balance, scales | -1 | - | only-plural | (Gpl весо'в) More info: See ве'с (type c)(Npl веса')(Gsg2 ве'су) weight. |
дро'жжи | e | yeast | 19929 | - | only-plural | (Gpl дрожже'й) |
по'хороны | e | burial, funeral | 3942 | - | only-plural | (Gpl похоро'н) |
кле'щи | e | pincers | -1 | - | only-plural | (Gpl клеще'й) |
са'ни | e | sledge | 4882 | - | only-plural | (Gpl сане'й) |
халва' | b | halva (paste of nuts, sugar and oil) | 28817 | - | no-plural | |
тоска' | b | melancholy, depression; weariness, boredom; yearning, longing | 1736 | - | no-plural | |
ходьба' | b | walking, pacing | 9085 | - | no-plural | |
темнота' | b | darkness | 950 | - | no-plural | |
тайга' | b | taiga | 1923 | - | no-plural | |
теплота' | b | 1. warmth; 2. cordiality | 10423 | - | no-plural | |
целина' | b | virgin lands | 10827 | - | no-plural | |
слюна' | b | saliva | 4866 | - | no-plural | |
сырьё' | b | raw materials | 7630 | - | no-plural | |
большинство' | b | majority | 980 | - | no-plural | |
бельё' | b | linen, washing | 2415 | - | no-plural | |
мука' | b | flour | 2535 | - | no-plural | More info: See му'ка (type a) torture. |
тишина' | b | quiet, silence, calm | 966 | - | no-plural | |
треска' | b | cod | 23260 | - | no-plural | |
мастерство' | b | trade, craft | 6867 | - | no-plural | |
моча' | b | urine | 7771 | - | no-plural | |
ле'с | a | wood | 277 | - | no-plural | (Gsg2 ле'су') More info: See ле'с (type c)(con plural)(Psg2 лесу') forest. See леса' (type d)(con plural) fishing-line. See леса' (type b)(solo plural) scaffolding. |
кожура' | b | rind, skin, peel | 20330 | - | no-plural | |
кора' | b | crust, cortex, bark | 5596 | - | no-plural | |
пшено' | b | millet | 23094 | - | no-plural | |
быстрота' | b | quickness, rapidity; (скорость) speed | 6392 | - | no-plural | |
ерунда' | b | nonsense | 3055 | - | no-plural | |
жара' | b | heat | 5983 | - | no-plural | |
еда' | b | food | 1180 | - | no-plural | |
духота' | b | stuffiness, oppressive heat | 11210 | - | no-plural | |
езда' | b | ride, trip | 7220 | - | no-plural | |
зола' | b | ashes | 9592 | - | no-plural | More info: Doesn't appear on Starostin! |
добро' | b | good (noun) | 1535 | - | no-plural | |
молоко' | b | milk | 1542 | - | no-plural | |
дно' | b | bottom (of the sea, of a river) | 1147 | - | no-plural | More info: See дно' (type d)(Npl до'нья)(Gpl до'ньев) bottom (of a bottle, of a recipient) |
нищета' | b | misery; destitution; poverty | 7142 | - | no-plural | |
борьба' | b | fight, struggle | 802 | - | no-plural | |
серебро' | b | silver | 5549 | - | no-plural | |
болтовня' | b | talk, chatter, jabber | 7176 | - | no-plural | |
вышина' | b | height | 16923 | - | no-plural |