See also the one-page version.
Word | Schema | Definition | Ranking | Gender | Number | Notes |
тупик' | b | blind alley | 4938 | - | any | (Npl тупики') More info: See ту'пик (tipo a)(Npl ту'пики) puffin (bird). |
ты'л | c | 1. back, rear; 2. rearguard | 3040 | - | any | (Npl тылы')(Psg2 тылу') |
тюк' | b | package; bale | 10023 | - | any | (Npl тюки') |
тюрьма' | d | prison | 1302 | - | any | (Gpl тю'рем)(Npl тю'рьмы) |
у'гол | b | corner, angle | 452 | - | any | (Npl углы')(Psg2 углу') More info: The stress on the nominative (and accusative) y special, in all other forms the stress is at the end. |
у'голь | special | coal | 3114 | - | any | |
уж' | b | snake | 23967 | - | any | (Npl ужи') |
у'зел | b | 1. knot; 2. package | 2775 | - | any | (Npl узлы') More info: Despite the nominative singular declension, this word can be considered of type b. |
ум' | b | intelligence | 604 | - | any | (Npl умы') |
у'с | c | moustache | 1712 | - | any | (Npl усы') More info: The Npl is used more frequently. The singular refers to one side of the moustache. |
а'дрес | c | address | 1392 | - | any | (Npl адреса') More info: See а'дрес (type a)(Npl а'дресы) congratulation letter. |
у'хо | e | ear | 387 | - | any | (Gpl уше'й)(Npl у'ши) |
ученик' | b | pupil | 1523 | - | any | (Npl ученики') |
учи'тель | c | teacher | 914 | - | any | (Npl учителя') More info: See учи'тель (type a)(Npl учи'тели) master (of a doctrine). |
шов' | b | seam, stitch; join, junction | 6902 | - | any | (Npl швы') |
фро'нт | c | front | 968 | - | any | (Npl фронты') More info: According to Словарь трудностей, фро'нты is obsolete |
фураж' | b | forage, fodder | -1 | - | any | More info: no plural or (Npl фуражи'). |
халва' | b | halva (paste of nuts, sugar and oil) | 28817 | - | no-plural | |
хвост' | b | tail | 1083 | - | any | (Npl хвосты') |
хле'в | c | cattle-shed, cow-house | 18878 | - | any | (Npl хлева')(Psg2 хлеву') |
хлыст' | b | whip | 18944 | - | any | (Npl хлысты') |
ход' | special | 1. motion, run; 2. course; 3. move, turn; 4. entrance, passage | 517 | - | any | |
ходьба' | b | walking, pacing | 9085 | - | no-plural | |
хозя'ин | a | master; owner; host | 358 | - | any | (Gpl хозя'ев)(Npl хозя'ева) |
холм' | b | hill, hillock | 2055 | - | any | (Npl холмы') |
хо'лод | c | cold, coldness | 1623 | - | any | (Npl холода')(Gsg2 хо'лоду) |
холостяк' | b | bachelor | 11344 | - | any | (Npl холостяки') |
хо'р | c | choir | 3496 | - | any | (Npl хоры') More info: There is a type a variant, (Npl хо'ры). |
хребет' | b | 1. backbone; 2. summit; 3. mountain range | 4539 | - | any | (Npl хребты') |
христос' | b | Christ | -1 | - | any | (Isg христо'м)(Dsg христу')(Asg христа')(Psg христе')(Gsg христа') |
царь' | b | czar; king | 1263 | - | any | (Npl цари') |
цветок' | b | flower | 793 | - | any | (Gpl цвето'в)(Npl цветы') More info: It seems (Npl цветки') corresponds to a different sense of the word. (Npl цветы') is widely accepted. |
целина' | b | virgin lands | 10827 | - | no-plural | |
цена' | d' | price | 874 | - | any | (Npl це'ны)(Asg це'ну) |
це'х | a | 1. workshop; 2. guild, corporation | 3035 | - | any | (Npl це'хи) More info: In the first sence, there is a type c variant (Npl цеха'). According to Nogueira and Turover, it is familiar. According to Словарь трудностей, it is допустимо. |
ча'й | c | tea | 721 | - | any | (Gpl чаёв)(Npl чаи')(Psg2 чаю')(Gsg2 ча'ю) |
ча'с | c | hour | 147 | - | any | (Npl часы')(Psg2 часу')(Gsg2 ча'су) More info: 2,3,4 часа' |
челове'к | special | man, person | 33 | - | any | (Gpl люде'й)(Npl лю'ди)(Ipl людьми')(Ppl лю'дях)(Apl люде'й)(Dpl лю'дям) More info: In the singular, stress follows scheme a. |
чепуха' | b | 1. nonsense; 2. trifle | 4154 | - | no-plural | |
червяк' | b | 1. worm; 2.screw | 10106 | - | any | (Npl червяки') |
чердак' | b | garret | 5938 | - | any | (Npl чердаки') |
че'реп | c | skull | 3141 | - | any | (Npl черепа') |
черновик' | b | rough copy | 14528 | - | any | (Npl черновики') |
чёрт | e | devil | 1100 | - | any | (Gpl черте'й)(Npl че'рти)(Dpl чертя'м) More info: The т softens in the plural. In nominative plural, ё unexpectedly becomes е'. |
черта' | b | 1. line, stroke; 2. limit, frontier; 3. trait | 523 | - | any | (Gpl че'рт)(Npl черты') |
чертёж' | b | draft; sketch | 7734 | - | any | (Npl чертежи') |
чеснок' | b | garlic | 10268 | - | any | (Gsg2 чесноку') More info: no plural or (Npl чесноки'). Paperno y Leed: The singular forms of this word are used as a collective noun to refer to garlic as a crop, a food, or a number of individual bulbs. The phrase голо'вка чеснока' is used to refer to one bulb of garlic. The phrase до'лька чеснока' is used to refer to one clove. Plural forms are not used. |
четверг' | b | Thursday | 7372 | - | any | (Npl четверги') |
чехол' | b | (soft) cover, case | 8636 | - | any | (Npl чехлы') |
чешуя' | b | scales | 13156 | - | any | More info: no plural or (Npl чешуи')(Gpl чешу'й). |