Word Stress in Russian!

Information about word stress in Russian at russianstress.info

List of irregularly stressed Russian nouns

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Word Schema Definition Ranking Gender Number Notes
же'мчуг c perls 10891 - any (Npl жемчуга')(Gsg же'мчугу)
ко'рм c forage, feed, provender; fodder 5737 - any (Npl корма')(Gsg2 ко'рму)
вышина' b height 16923 - no-plural
вдова' d widow 5020 - any (Npl вдо'вы)
боб' b bean 7571 - any (Npl бобы')
желток' b yolk (of egg) 22397 - any (Npl желтки')
железа' f gland 7158 - any (Gpl желёз)(Npl же'лезы)
More info: See желе'зо (type a) iron.
высота' d height, elevation, level 1199 - any (Npl высо'ты)
жара' b heat 5983 - no-plural
ёж' b hedgehog 8384 - any (Npl ежи')
вред' b harm, hurt, injury, damage 5681 - any More info: no-plural or Npl вреды'
василёк' b corn-flower 17028 - any (Npl васильки')
ерунда' b nonsense 3055 - no-plural
езда' b ride, trip 7220 - no-plural
врач' b medical doctor 497 - any (Npl врачи')
еда' b food 1180 - no-plural
дыра' d 1. hole; 2. god-forsaken hole 3388 - any (Npl ды'ры)
ва'л c 1. billow, roller; 2. bank; 3. shaft; 4. gross output 4398 - any (Npl валы')(Psg2 валу')
блоха' d flea 11594 - any (Npl бло'хи)
More info: Can be type f too.
бедняк' b poor man 10363 - any (Npl бедняки')
ба'с c bass, bass singer 4880 - any (Npl басы')
More info: Declined differently when it refers to a singer (animated) and to the voice (inanimated).
ды'м c smoke 902 - any (Npl дымы')(Psg2 дыму')(Gsg2 ды'му)
душа' d' soul, spirit 228 - any (Npl ду'ши)(Asg ду'шу)
враг' b enemy, foe 658 - any (Npl враги')
духота' b stuffiness, oppressive heat 11210 - no-plural
духи' b perfume, scent -1 - only-plural (Gpl духо'в)
во'рох c heap, pile 8644 - any (Npl вороха')
More info: There is a type a variant, (Npl во'рохи).
быстрота' b quickness, rapidity; (скорость) speed 6392 - no-plural
дурак' b fool, idiot 825 - any (Npl дураки')
дупло' d hollow, cavity 13238 - any (Gpl ду'пел//ду'пл)(Npl ду'пла)
воротник' b neck 3166 - any (Npl воротники')
дуга' d arc, arch 6500 - any (Npl ду'ги)
ду'б c 1. (inanimated)(Psg2 дубу') oak; 2. (animado) blockhead, numskull 3802 - any (Npl дубы')
воробе'й' b sparrow 2755 - any (Gpl воробьёв)(Npl воробьи')
бык' b 1. bull; 2. pier (of a bridge) 1398 - any (Npl быки')
блин' b blin (kind of pancake) 4777 - any (Npl блины')
дру'г c friend 99 - any (Gpl друзе'й)(Npl друзья')
дро'жжи e yeast 19929 - only-plural (Gpl дрожже'й)
во'р e thief 2337 - any (Npl во'ры)
ле'с c forest 277 - any (Npl леса')(Psg2 лесу')
More info: See ле'с (type a)(no-plural)(Gsg2 ле'су) wood. See леса' (type d)(Npl ле'сы o лёсы) fishing-line. See леса' (type b)(plural-only) scaffolding.
лён' b flax -1 - any (Psg2 льну')
More info: no plural or (Npl льны').
ледник' b glacier 12761 - any (Npl ледники')
More info: See ле'дник (type a) ice-house, ice-box.
до'чь e daughter 785 - any (Gpl дочере'й)(Npl до'чери)(Apl дочере'й)(Psg до'чери)(Ipl дочеря'ми//дочерьми')(Ppl дочеря'х)(Asg до'чь)(Gsg до'чери)(Dsg до'чери)(Dpl дочеря'м)(Isg до'черью)
во'лос e hair 526 - any (Gpl воло'с)(Npl во'лосы)
лёд' b ice 1822 - any (Npl льды')(Psg2 льду')(Gsg2 льду')
левша' b left-handed 26021 - any (Npl левши')
доска' f' board, plank, slab 1357 - any (Gpl досо'к)(Npl до'ски)(Asg до'ску)
More info: There are d and d' type variants.
ле'с a wood 277 - no-plural (Gsg2 ле'су')
More info: See ле'с (type c)(con plural)(Psg2 лесу') forest. See леса' (type d)(con plural) fishing-line. See леса' (type b)(solo plural) scaffolding.
леса' d fishing-line -1 - only-plural (Npl ле'сы//лёсы)
More info: See леса' (type b)(plural-only) scaffolding. See лес' (type c)(Npl леса') forest. See лес' (type a)(no-plural) wood.
лев' b lion 2341 - any (Npl львы')