See also the one-page version.
Word | Schema | Definition | Ranking | Gender | Number | Notes |
полк' | b | regiment | 1661 | - | any | (Npl полки')(Psg2 полку') |
пост' | b | 1. post, employment; 2. fast (not eating) | 1673 | - | any | (Npl посты')(Psg2 посту') |
о'блако | c | cloud | 1703 | - | any | (Npl облака') |
у'с | c | moustache | 1712 | - | any | (Npl усы') More info: The Npl is used more frequently. The singular refers to one side of the moustache. |
плащ' | b | cloak | 1715 | - | any | (Npl плащи') |
платок' | b | handkerchief | 1728 | - | any | (Npl платки') |
тоска' | b | melancholy, depression; weariness, boredom; yearning, longing | 1736 | - | no-plural | |
бо'рт | c | board (as in: on board of a ship) | 1740 | - | any | (Npl борта')(Psg2 борту') |
грех' | b | sin | 1742 | - | any | (Npl грехи') |
стро'й | c | order, (military) formation | 1744 | - | any | (Gpl строёв)(Npl строи')(Psg2 строю') More info: See стро'й (tipo a)(Npl стро'и)(Gpl стро'ев) regime (of a government). |
стро'й | a | regime (of a government) | 1744 | - | any | (Gpl стро'ев)(Npl стро'и) More info: See строй (type c)(Npl строи')(Psg2 строю')(Gpl строёв) order, (military) formation |
пила' | d | saw | 1753 | - | any | (Npl пи'лы) |
ло'коть | e | elbow | 1763 | m | any | (Npl ло'кти) |
кружок' | b | diminutive of круг; circle; study circle | 1768 | - | any | (Npl кружки') |
фонарь' | b | lantern, lamp | 1781 | m | any | (Npl фонари') |
полоса' | f' | 1. stripe; 2. strip (of paper), bar (of metal); 3. zone | 1783 | - | any | (Npl по'лосы)(Asg по'лосу) More info: According to Словарь трудностей, полосу' is only \"acceptable\" (допустимо). |
стра'сть | e | 1. passion, desire; 2. horror | 1784 | f | any | (Npl стра'сти) |
по'яс | c | 1. belt; 2. waist; 3. zone; часовой пояс, time zone | 1792 | - | any | (Npl пояса') |
вещество' | b | substance, matter | 1797 | - | any | (Gpl веще'ств)(Npl вещества') |
ко'рень | e | root | 1799 | m | any | (Npl ко'рни) |
лёд' | b | ice | 1822 | - | any | (Npl льды')(Psg2 льду')(Gsg2 льду') |
пиджак' | b | jacket | 1826 | - | any | (Npl пиджаки') |
пастух' | b | shepherd | 1837 | - | any | (Npl пастухи') |
вождь' | b | leader | 1847 | m | any | (Npl вожди') |
мечта' | b | dream; day-dream, waking dream | 1859 | - | any | (Gpl ме'чт)(Npl мечты') |
кольцо' | d'' | ring | 1860 | - | any | (Gpl коле'ц)(Npl ко'льца) |
па'спорт | c | passport | 1876 | - | any | (Npl паспорта') |
луч' | b | ray, beam | 1880 | - | any | (Npl лучи') |
слон' | b | 1. elephant; 2. (chess) bishop | 1907 | - | any | (Npl слоны') |
тайга' | b | taiga | 1923 | - | no-plural | |
борода' | f' | beard | 1924 | - | any | (Npl бо'роды)(Asg бо'роду) |
топор' | b | axe | 1948 | - | any | (Npl топоры') |
крест' | b | cross | 1961 | - | any | (Npl кресты') |
ведро' | d | bucket | 1978 | - | any | (Gpl вёдер)(Npl вёдра) More info: See вёдро (type a) good weather. |
столб' | b | post, pole, pillar, column | 1982 | - | any | (Npl столбы') |
октябрь' | b | October | 2010 | m | any | (Npl октябри') |
скала' | d | rock | 2017 | - | any | (Npl ска'лы) |
ша'р | c | ball; sphere | 2031 | - | any | (Npl шары') More info: 2,3,4 ша'ра' |
о'рден | c | condecoration, as in \"Orden of Lenin\" | 2038 | - | any | (Npl ордена') More info: See о'рден (type a)(Npl о'рдены) organization. |
ко'рпус | a | trunk, body of a person or animal | 2044 | - | any | (Npl ко'рпусы) More info: See ко'рпус (type c)(Npl корпуса') hull; building; army corps |
ко'рпус | c | hull; building; army corps | 2044 | - | any | (Npl корпуса') More info: See ко'рпус (type a)(Npl ко'рпусы) trunk, body of a person or animal. |
холм' | b | hill, hillock | 2055 | - | any | (Npl холмы') |
ремень' | b | strap; belt | 2057 | m | any | (Npl ремни') |
гро'б | c | coffin, grave | 2093 | - | any | (Npl гробы'//гроба')(Psg2 гробу') |
це'пь | e | chain | 2102 | f | any | (Npl це'пи)(Psg2 цепи') |
гриб' | b | mushroom | 2117 | - | any | (Npl грибы') |
се'ть | e | net | 2162 | f | any | (Npl се'ти)(Psg2 сети') |
грузовик' | b | truck, lorry | 2179 | - | any | (Npl грузовики') |
ме'лочь | e | 1. small thing; 2. (small) change | 2187 | f | any | (Npl ме'лочи) |
ружьё' | d | gun, hand-gun, rifle | 2196 | - | any | (Gpl ру'жей)(Npl ру'жья) |