See also the one-page version.
Word | Schema | Definition | Ranking | Gender | Number | Notes |
воробе'й' | b | sparrow | 2755 | - | any | (Gpl воробьёв)(Npl воробьи') |
бык' | b | 1. bull; 2. pier (of a bridge) | 1398 | - | any | (Npl быки') |
воротник' | b | neck | 3166 | - | any | (Npl воротники') |
дурак' | b | fool, idiot | 825 | - | any | (Npl дураки') |
духи' | b | perfume, scent | -1 | - | only-plural | (Gpl духо'в) |
духота' | b | stuffiness, oppressive heat | 11210 | - | no-plural | |
враг' | b | enemy, foe | 658 | - | any | (Npl враги') |
блин' | b | blin (kind of pancake) | 4777 | - | any | (Npl блины') |
вратарь' | b | goalkeeper | 18614 | m | any | (Npl вратари') |
еда' | b | food | 1180 | - | no-plural | |
езда' | b | ride, trip | 7220 | - | no-plural | |
ерунда' | b | nonsense | 3055 | - | no-plural | |
ёж' | b | hedgehog | 8384 | - | any | (Npl ежи') |
жара' | b | heat | 5983 | - | no-plural | |
василёк' | b | corn-flower | 17028 | - | any | (Npl васильки') |
желток' | b | yolk (of egg) | 22397 | - | any | (Npl желтки') |
лист' | b | sheet (of a material) | 738 | - | any | (Npl листы') More info: See лист' (type d)(Npl ли'стья)(Gpl ли'стьев) leaf. |
боб' | b | bean | 7571 | - | any | (Npl бобы') |
гамак' | b | hammock | 20482 | - | any | (Npl гамаки') |
жених' | b | fiancé, bridegroom | 2846 | - | any | (Npl женихи') |
вождь' | b | leader | 1847 | m | any | (Npl вожди') |
жилец' | b | tenant, lodger | 4631 | - | any | (Npl жильцы') |
вдовец' | b | widower | 24145 | - | any | (Npl вдовцы') |
жук' | b | beetle | 2270 | - | any | (Npl жуки') |
герб' | b | arms, coat of arms | 9289 | - | any | (Npl гербы') |
замок' | b | lock, padlock | 1229 | - | any | (Npl замки') More info: за'мок (type a) castle |
западня' | b | trap, snare, pitfall | 22740 | - | any | (Gpl западне'й)(Npl западни') |
карась' | b | crucian (carp) | 6401 | m | any | (Npl караси') |
кремль' | b | a central fortress in medieval Russian cities (Wikipedia) | 3022 | m | any | (Npl кремли') |
молоток' | b | hammer | 5743 | - | any | (Npl молотки') |
глоток' | b | sip, gulp | 2769 | - | any | (Npl глотки') |
звонок' | b | bell | 1384 | - | any | (Npl звонки') |
клубок' | b | ball, tangle | 7353 | - | any | (Npl клубки') |
земляк' | b | (fellow-)countyman | 5120 | - | any | (Npl земляки') |
кружок' | b | diminutive of круг; circle; study circle | 1768 | - | any | (Npl кружки') |
кулак' | b | 1. handful; 2. kulak, rich farmer | 994 | - | any | (Npl кулаки') |
клоп' | b | bug, bed-bug; chinch | 8607 | - | any | (Npl клопы') |
зло' | b | 1. harm; 2. maliciously | 1508 | - | any | (Gpl зо'л)(Npl зла') |
кузнец' | b | blacksmith | 2977 | - | any | (Npl кузнецы') |
знаток' | b | expert | 5649 | - | any | (Npl знатоки') |
дикарь' | b | wild | 8376 | m | any | (Npl дикари') |
зола' | b | ashes | 9592 | - | no-plural | More info: Doesn't appear on Starostin! |
зрачок' | b | pupil | 5056 | - | any | (Npl зрачки') |
белок' | b | white (of the eye); white (of an egg) | 2878 | - | any | (Npl белки') |
костёр' | b | bonfire | 1395 | - | any | (Npl костры') |
комар' | b | gnat, mosquito | 4260 | - | any | (Npl комары') |
голубец' | b | goloubets (stuffed cabbage-roll) | 17320 | - | any | (Npl голубцы') |
игрок' | b | player | 4971 | - | any | (Npl игроки') |
венок' | b | crown | 6729 | - | any | (Npl венки') |
кора' | b | crust, cortex, bark | 5596 | - | no-plural |