See also the one-page version.
Word | Schema | Definition | Ranking | Gender | Number | Notes |
че'тверть | e | one quarter | 3054 | f | any | (Npl че'тверти) |
ро'д | e | (grammatical) gender | 724 | - | any | (Npl ро'ды) More info: See ро'д (tipo c) 1. (Npl роды')(Psg2 роду') family, race, generation; 2. (Npl рода') type, sort, variety |
свеча' | f | candle | 2874 | - | any | (Gpl свече'й)(Npl све'чи) |
плечо' | f | shoulder | 241 | - | any | (Gpl пле'ч)(Npl пле'чи) |
ноздря' | f | nostril | 4736 | - | any | (Gpl ноздре'й)(Npl но'здри) |
губа' | f | lip | 462 | - | any | (Npl гу'бы) |
серьга' | f | ear-ring | 12898 | - | any | (Gpl серёг)(Npl се'рьги) More info: There is a type d variant with the same Gpl. |
железа' | f | gland | 7158 | - | any | (Gpl желёз)(Npl же'лезы) More info: See желе'зо (type a) iron. |
червь | f | worm | 6765 | m | any | (Npl че'рви)(Isg черве\"м) More info: червь is also an old designation for the letter ч, so it can decline both as an animate or an inanimate noun |
груздь | f | a kind of brown mushroom | 19401 | m | any | (Npl *гру'зди)(Ipl грузде\"м) |
конь' | f | horse | 1090 | m | any | (Npl ко'ни) |
сковорода' | f | frying-pan | -1 | - | any | (Npl ско'вороды)(Asg ско'вороду) More info: There is a f' type variant (Asg ско'вороду). According to Словарь трудностей, сковороду' is obsolete. According to Starostin ско'вороду is obsolete. |
волна' | f | wave | 1035 | - | any | (Gpl во'лн)(Npl во'лны) More info: There is a type d variant. |
строка' | f | line | 2901 | - | any | (Npl стро'ки) More info: There is also a type d variant. According to Словарь трудностей, стро'ку is obsolete. |
голова' | f | chief, master, должностное лицо | 91 | - | any | (Npl го'ловы)(Asg голову') More info: See голова' (type f')(Asg го'лову) head. |
слеза' | f | tear | 742 | - | any | (Gpl слёз)(Npl слёзы) |
гвоздь' | f | nail | 2478 | m | any | (Npl гво'зди) |
простыня' | f | sheet, bed-sheet | 3788 | - | any | (Gpl простыне'й//про'сты'нь)(Npl про'стыни) |
полоса' | f' | 1. stripe; 2. strip (of paper), bar (of metal); 3. zone | 1783 | - | any | (Npl по'лосы)(Asg по'лосу) More info: According to Словарь трудностей, полосу' is only \"acceptable\" (допустимо). |
голова' | f' | head | 91 | - | any | (Npl го'ловы)(Asg го'лову) More info: See голова' (type f)(Asg голову') chief, master, должностное лицо. |
борозда' | f' | furrow, fissure | 11626 | - | any | (Npl бо'розды)(Asg бо'розду) More info: According to Словарь трудностей, борозду' is only \"aceptable\" (допустимо). |
сторона' | f' | side, part | 122 | - | any | (Npl сто'роны)(Asg сто'рону) |
гора' | f' | mountain | 496 | - | any | (Npl го'ры)(Asg го'ру) |
щека' | f' | cheek | 969 | - | any | (Npl щёки)(Asg щёку) More info: Has type f variant (Asg щеку'). |
рука' | f' | hand | 57 | - | any | (Npl ру'ки)(Asg ру'ку) |
пора' | f' | time, season | 1000 | - | any | (Npl по'ры)(Asg по'ру) |
борода' | f' | beard | 1924 | - | any | (Npl бо'роды)(Asg бо'роду) |
нога' | f' | foot, leg | 124 | - | any | (Npl но'ги)(Asg но'гу) |
доска' | f' | board, plank, slab | 1357 | - | any | (Gpl досо'к)(Npl до'ски)(Asg до'ску) More info: There are d and d' type variants. |
среда' | f' | Wednesday | 1547 | - | any | (Npl сре'ды)(Asg сре'ду) More info: Has d and d' variants. See среда' (type d)(Asg среду') environment. |
у'голь | special | coal | 3114 | - | any | |
господи'н | special | sir, gentleman | 579 | - | any | (Gpl госпо'д)(Npl господа') More info: Fixed stress in the singular, final stress in the plural. |
ход' | special | 1. motion, run; 2. course; 3. move, turn; 4. entrance, passage | 517 | - | any | |
де'ньги | special | money | 195 | - | any | (Gpl де'нег)(Dpl деньга'м)(Ipl деньга'ми)(Apl де'ньги)(Ppl деньга'х) More info: Variant with fixed stress on first е is antiquated. |
го'д | special | year | 50 | - | any | (Gpl лет//годо'в)(Npl го'ды//года')(Ipl года'ми)(Ppl года'х)(Dpl года'м)(Psg2 году') More info: (type e)(Npl го'ды) or (type c)(Npl года'). |
тра'ктор | special | tractor | 3754 | - | any | (Npl трактора'//тра'кторы) More info: (type c)(Npl трактора') or (type a)(Npl тра'кторы). There seems to be no preferred form. |
граждани'н | special | citizen | 957 | - | any | (Npl гра'ждане) |
ребёнок | special | child | 162 | - | any | (Gpl дете'й)(Npl де'ти)(Ipl детьми')(Ppl де'тях)(Apl дете'й)(Dpl де'тям) |
гро'здь | special | cluster, bunch (of grapes) | 22823 | f | any | (Gpl гро'здьев//грозде'й)(Npl гро'здья//гро'зди) More info: (type a)(Npl гро'здья, Gpl гро'здьев) or (type e)(Npl гро'зди)(Gpl грозде'й). No form seems to be preferred. |
то'н | special | (type c)(Npl тона') color tone. (type e)(Npl то'ны) or (type a)(Npl то'ны) sound tone. | 1433 | - | any | |
челове'к | special | man, person | 33 | - | any | (Gpl люде'й)(Npl лю'ди)(Ipl людьми')(Ppl лю'дях)(Apl люде'й)(Dpl лю'дям) More info: In the singular, stress follows scheme a. |