Word Stress in Russian!

Information about word stress in Russian at russianstress.info

List of irregularly stressed Russian nouns

See also the one-page version.

Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Word Schema Definition Ranking Gender Number Notes
тупик' b blind alley 4938 - any (Npl тупики')
More info: See ту'пик (tipo a)(Npl ту'пики) puffin (bird).
учи'тель c teacher 914 - any (Npl учителя')
More info: See учи'тель (type a)(Npl учи'тели) master (of a doctrine).
у'с c moustache 1712 - any (Npl усы')
More info: The Npl is used more frequently. The singular refers to one side of the moustache.
близнец' b twin, gemellus, geminus 6128 - any (Npl близнецы')
More info: The plural is more common.
о'вощ e vegetable 4939 - any (Npl о'вощи)
More info: The plural is much more frequent.
доска' f' board, plank, slab 1357 - any (Gpl досо'к)(Npl до'ски)(Asg до'ску)
More info: There are d and d' type variants.
шта'б c headquarters 1130 - any (Npl штабы')
More info: There if a fixed stress variant (Npl шта'бы), antiquated according to Словарь трудностей
те'нор c tenor 18065 - any (Npl тенора')
More info: There is a fixed stress variant, (Npl те'норы). According to Словарь трудностей, such variant is obsolete. The word may refer to the voice (inanimated) or to the singer (animated).
сковорода' f frying-pan -1 - any (Npl ско'вороды)(Asg ско'вороду)
More info: There is a f' type variant (Asg ско'вороду). According to Словарь трудностей, сковороду' is obsolete. According to Starostin ско'вороду is obsolete.
строка' f line 2901 - any (Npl стро'ки)
More info: There is also a type d variant. According to Словарь трудностей, стро'ку is obsolete.
заря' d dawn, sunset 4504 - any (Gpl зо'рь)(Npl зо'ри)
More info: There is also a type f variant with no root change in the plural (Npl за'ри).
стена' d' wall 289 - any (Npl сте'ны)(Asg сте'ну)
More info: There is an antiquate f' form.
сте'бель e stem, stalk 7087 m any (Npl сте'бли)
More info: There is a type a variant.
ло'сь e elk 8493 m any (Npl ло'си)
More info: There is a type a variant.
ве'домость e list, register 9641 f any (Npl ве'домости)
More info: There is a type a variant.
при'стань e landing-stage, pier, dock 7261 f any (Npl при'стани)
More info: There is a type a variant.
шри'фт c letter, characters 12962 - any (Npl шрифты')
More info: There is a type a variant, antiquated according to Словарь трудностей.
во'рох c heap, pile 8644 - any (Npl вороха')
More info: There is a type a variant, (Npl во'рохи).
хо'р c choir 3496 - any (Npl хоры')
More info: There is a type a variant, (Npl хо'ры).
го'л c goal 11324 - any (Npl голы')
More info: There is a type b variant. Sometimes (Gsg гола') after numbers 2, 3, 4.
сле'сарь a metalworker, locksmith 5883 - any (Npl сле'сари)
More info: There is a type c (Npl слесаря') whick Словарь трудностей considers допустимо.
то'карь a turner, lathe operator 15499 - any (Npl то'кари)
More info: There is a type c variant (Npl токаря') which Словарь трудностей considers \"допустимо\" (permisible).
пруд' b pond 4147 - any (Npl пруды')(Psg2 пруду')
More info: There is a type c variant (stress on у in the singular forms), antiquate according to Словарь трудностей.
волна' f wave 1035 - any (Gpl во'лн)(Npl во'лны)
More info: There is a type d variant.
графа' b column 4326 - any (Npl графы')
More info: There is a type d variant (Npl гра'фы).
скамья' b bench 3974 - any (Gpl скаме'й)(Npl скамьи')
More info: There is a type d'' variant (Npl ска'мьи)(Gpl скаме'й)(Dpl ска'мьям). Словарь трудностей doesn't recommend it, Русское словесное ударение considers it incorrect.
серьга' f ear-ring 12898 - any (Gpl серёг)(Npl се'рьги)
More info: There is a type d variant with the same Gpl.
го'спиталь a hospital 2543 m any (Npl го'спитали)
More info: There is a type e variant.
вода' d' water 154 - any (Npl во'ды)(Asg во'ду)
More info: There is a type f variant (antiquated).
сук' d 1. bough; 2. knot 3932 - any (Gpl су'чьев)(Npl су'чья)(Psg2 суку')
More info: There is a variant with regular plural forms, thus of type b (Npl суки'), with no apparent change of meaning.
у'гол b corner, angle 452 - any (Npl углы')(Psg2 углу')
More info: The stress on the nominative (and accusative) y special, in all other forms the stress is at the end.
сосе'д a neighbour 812 - any (Gpl сосе'дей)(Npl сосе'ди)(Dpl сосе'дям)
More info: The д softens in the plural forms.
коле'но a knee 628 - any (Gpl коле'ней)(Npl коле'ни)(Dpl коле'ням)
More info: The н softens in the plural forms.
чёрт e devil 1100 - any (Gpl черте'й)(Npl че'рти)(Dpl чертя'м)
More info: The т softens in the plural. In nominative plural, ё unexpectedly becomes е'.
гро'здь special cluster, bunch (of grapes) 22823 f any (Gpl гро'здьев//грозде'й)(Npl гро'здья//гро'зди)
More info: (type a)(Npl гро'здья, Gpl гро'здьев) or (type e)(Npl гро'зди)(Gpl грозде'й). No form seems to be preferred.
тра'ктор special tractor 3754 - any (Npl трактора'//тра'кторы)
More info: (type c)(Npl трактора') or (type a)(Npl тра'кторы). There seems to be no preferred form.
го'д special year 50 - any (Gpl лет//годо'в)(Npl го'ды//года')(Ipl года'ми)(Ppl года'х)(Dpl года'м)(Psg2 году')
More info: (type e)(Npl го'ды) or (type c)(Npl года').
де'ньги special money 195 - any (Gpl де'нег)(Dpl деньга'м)(Ipl деньга'ми)(Apl де'ньги)(Ppl деньга'х)
More info: Variant with fixed stress on first е is antiquated.
замок' b lock, padlock 1229 - any (Npl замки')
More info: за'мок (type a) castle
ку'рица a hen, chicken 4410 - any (Gpl ку'р)(Npl ку'ры)
More info: Словарь трудностей doesn't recommend (Npl ку'рицы)(Gpl ку'риц)
червь f worm 6765 m any (Npl че'рви)(Isg черве\"м)
More info: червь is also an old designation for the letter ч, so it can decline both as an animate or an inanimate noun